Daily Habit

To start this post off right I would like to talk to you about how my class did planks every day and got up to 3 minuets and 40 seconds. This was part of our daily habit and every two days we would go up 10 seconds. Towards the last week we went up 10 seconds every day. In the end, we timed ourselves individually and saw how long we could plank for; I planked for 2 minuets and 8 seconds. It may not be that long, but I am really proud of my self and this daily habit has affected my new daily habit as well.

For my new daily habit, I am working out and stretching  every day, I am also trying to drink a lot more water, this daily habit my be strange but it is something I need to work on, this may be just me but I don’t drink a lot of water throughout the day which is not good considering I play soccer and I am constantly either working out or doing something that requires energy and stamina. This ties into my stretching everyday. Since I’m a soccer player, I have to make sure that I am all stretched out and my body is warmed up before playing so at practice we do  our warm up but also at home I stretch just to keep my body on a consistent schedule. Another  habit I want to start to incorporate in  my daily habit is to practice volleyball for at least 10 minuets everyday! Lately I have been really interested in  volleyball possibly due to the fact that I have been watching an anime about it but either way it is really cool. Do you think I should start practicing volleyball?

Tell me what you think, and this month I have a movie review coming soon so stay tuned for that!

That’s all folks See ya🤗




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