Tag Archives: author

The Writing Process With Frances Dowell

For the last couple of month my peers and I have been working on creative writing through stories. For me, it has been a serious challenge getting through all of the part Mrs.Dowell has showed us about a story such as background  check ,opening action scene, sticks and stones, monster problem and lastly the resolution. For me this whole journey has been really difficult because like others I have gotten stuck on multiple occasions and constantly thought that my story wasn’t going anywhere interesting. It got to the point were I was just writing the story and just letting the ideas flow. After I realized that a lot of authors do that with there writing I felt a lot more confident and inspired.😎

Somethingsthat really helped me get back into the flow of writing was reading other books 📚. This helped me tremendously because I could get a feel of different writing styles and different problems that I could switch up and incorporate into my story! I also would frequently watch random episodes of shows just to get more inspiration and use it was well. On some occasions, I would look at that journal I have full of random dreams I have had and I would get a lot of inspiration from that as well as little details.

When I was first told that we were going to share our stories with Mrs.Dowell I was really scared because a published author is going to listen to a bunch of 12-year-old read there stories. I don’t know about you but the thought of that still makes me nervous. But once I figured out that she wouldn’t be criticizing or being mean to us I calmed down and though about how lucky we were to have a published author listen to our stories and give us feedback! The feedback I received was that she really liked my background check because you could really get a feel for what each of my characters were like  and you could tell how my main character felt about her brother and her relationship with her dad. When she first said this I was filled with pried because I have never really like d how my writing sounds but have been told I am good at it. I have always had mixed feeling when it came to writing so when she told me this I instantly had a confidence boost!

The foundation we started on when first starting to write our stories were ‘What if…?’ Questions such as ‘ What is a girl could talk to the moon’  we were first introduced to this by having to take three of our favorite Disney movies and change up the way the story is told and make what if questions off of that. The three movies I chose were, Atlantis, Princess diaries and beauty and the beast. This really helped me because I  could  miss-match and decide which plots worked and figure out what I liked.

The different components in a story surprised me in number. I always though you just had an intro and middle, conflict and then end it! But there are actually different steps and levels you have to a good story and it surprised me how I never noticed this in a book but one I knew what the plot was i could identify the monster problem and get a sense for when the story would end.

This journey has been a full roller coaster and in a way  enjoyed every wall  faced and how every time I could get out!

If you would like to know more about  Frances Dowell then click the link below!

http://Frances Dowell


Window or Mirror?


Today I am going to talk to you about the book I am currently reading called Radio Silence by Alice Osman and if it is a window or a mirror.

What do I mean by a window or mirror you may ask? Well a mirror is when you can reflect on something and you can relate to what is happening or in this case what you are reading. A window is when you are looking into a  different life from a different perspective.

Radio Silence is about Frances Janvier who is a 17 yer old  British-Ethiopian girl who also happens to be head girl with her mind set on going to Cambridge a prestigious school in the UK. Hanging out with friends aren’t her main focus but somehow still has some who invite to go hang out one night. Although she already knew Aled Last, her meeting him that night felt new. Is it because she could finally be herself? or something else? Those 6 words changed everything. Is he…? Debating if she should tell him what he said the morning after or keeping there awkward friendship where it is. After all if she tells him then she’ll have to out herself.

This book is a window for me on multiple occasions even though I can sometimes see myself in Frances; it’s little moment. For example, I am not British-Ethiopian but I am Mexican and black, and I do like to draw when inspiration sparks and I don’t like to share my drawings. I would rather hang out with friends than be studying and school isn’t my top priority. Although we clearly have our differences on the outside, it is still fascinating to have a sense into someone else’s life and everything they go through. For me, although I am still reading this book it is fascinating seeing these little emotions that I thought were special to me now being shared with Frances. And the nagging feeling of not being able to let something go until I know the answer. Those annoying gut feelings and problems make this a clear mirror for me.

What are your thought on this?

-Adios, Leila






My Daily Habit

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Hi people!

I’m going to be talking about how my daily habits have been this year. It starts with when we did planks in Language Arts class. They were to show us daily habits and compound effect and in the end I could plank for 2 minuets and 20 seconds‼️

After that we got to choose out own daily habit in January and I chose to workout everyday and drink water everyday. It really help in a sense  that drinking water is really hard to stay on top of but helps with headaches and that working out is calming for me when I’m stressed. Working out has always been a part of my daily habit I’m naturally a pretty fit person so you would think I also drink a lot of water but really the opposite. For me its a hard habit to keep up with and I get headaches a lot from that but in January I barley had any! I’m still working on drinking water and hope to get better 🤞🏽

But for February my new daily habit will be to read every day. I already do but I want to be able to read for a longer amount of time. If I’m invested in a book I can read it in like 30 minutes depending on how long it is, but I found a new author who I really recommend is Alice Osema. She is from the UK if I remember and she is just phenomenal. So far I have read her series Heartsopper and am currently reading Radio silence. But she truly is amazing.  So I want to read as many of her books I can!! which is why I am going to be reading even more than I already do to  build up my endurance and to expand my vocabulary and my book genre interests. 📚